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April Notes

We have created a new Special Blend, the Love Your Library Blend, that is now available for purchase. April is Love Your Library Month for our local Huntsville-Madison County Public Library System so we made this blend to help celebrate the month and show our love for HMCPL. Besides giving our love, we are also using this as an opportunity to raise a donation. For the whole month, part of the proceeds of every pound sold will go directly to HMCPL for use in our local community. On top of helping the community, the blend itself is delicious too! A nice mix of coffees from Ethiopia Harrar, and Peru with a little bit of French Roast. So whether you’re local or not, this is a great new offering to try (and it will be staying after April!)

April’s coffee of the month is our New Guinea Siane Chimbu, available for $17.95 per pound. This coffee is rich and heavy bodied with prominent dark chocolate notes, very tasty! It’s also Certified Organic.

We received a truckload of coffee last week with some old favorites you might have been missing. For our decaf drinkers, the Decaffeinated Ethiopian is back in stock also bringing back our Decaffeinated German Blend as well as the Decaffeinated Mocha Java.

For the caffeinated drinkers, we have the Timor-Leste Ermera Eratoi back in stock and also a new crop from Peru Cajamarca Santa Maria, and Ethiopia Guji.

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Back In Stock!

We are very pleased to have both Celebes Kalossi-Sulawesi* and Jamaica Blue Mountain back in stock at the store!

We had a bit of a wait on the Sulawesi but it was well worth it. This Sulawesi is a little different than the coffees we generally carry from that area as it is a naturally processed crop. So expect a touch of brightness in the cup along with the expected boldness, but don’t worry, it’s delicious! We’ll feature this Sulawesi as Coffee of the Month in March.

Jamaica Blue Mountain is back again from the Clydesdale Estate. As pleasing as ever, smooth, soft, sweet, and just so easy to drink! If you’ve been pining for Hawaii Kona give this Jamaica a try as it has a similar flavor profile.

Having this coffees back in stock also brings back our Coffee Lover’s Blend and Deluxe Coffee Sampler.

The name Celebes was originally given to the country by Portuguese explorers. Sulawesi came in to common use following Indonesian Independence from the Dutch/Netherlands in 1945 and is now the proper country name. Kalossi is a specific village in the main growing region of Sulawesi.

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New Coffees and Such

We had a bit of a rough start to 2022 but it’s finally settled down. We always appreciate how understanding our patrons are when we have to close unexpectedly!

We have several new coffee crops in stock:

Both the Mexican and Peruvian coffees are Certified Organic and Certified Fair Trade. The new Guatemalan is a Peaberry type of bean (Peaberries occur inside the coffee cherry from a natural mutation that causes only one of the seeds to be pollinated. This leaves extra space for the single seed to grow larger and rounder creating a peaberry coffee bean). The Ethiopia Harrar and Sumatra Mandheling both offer different and interesting taste profiles. There’s something to please most any coffee drinker!

News on Accessories:

Our Kaffeeklatsch Logo Mugs were so popular we sold completely out before the end of 2021. Good news is we have more in stock now, so make sure to get one and show your Kaffeeklatsch love while you sip! Choose from a 15 oz. white mug with our logo in black or a 10 oz. speckled black mug with our logo in white, both $14.95. We also have enamel pins, stickers and magnets too!

We are introducing more coffee and tea making accessories from Fellow. We have more of their Atmos Storage Jars in stock. We’ve also got some of their great travel mugs and kettles in store, available soon through our website.