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More New Arrivals!

We are continuing to get some of our old favorites back in the store this summer. Both Tanzania Peaberry and Costa Rica La Minita are back on the menu now! We found these crops to be so nicely balanced with a mix of pleasant sweet and bright flavor notes.

Our Tanzania Ruvuma Peaberry comes out of one of the southern-most regions of the country, bordering Mozambique to the south and the African Great Lake Nyasa to the west. A collaboration between two companies, Soochak Bush and Tropex, acts as a type of cooperative for small farms in the Mbinga district. Having this type of group makes sure small farm-holders can get their crops to the international market and receive fair pay. This crop is smooth and rich, great medium body, with notes of dark chocolate, chocolate chess pie, orange, and grapefruit. On offer for $18.95 per pound.

We know so many of you will be happy to see Costa Rica Hacienda La Minita back on offer! Hacienda La Minita continues to be a pinnacle of meticulous coffee growing and processing. The high altitudes, location of the farm and how the land is worked all come together to create an excellent micro-climate for La Minita’s coffee trees. Elegant, balanced, and refined, this is a lovely crop and on offer for $20.95 per pound.

New T-shirts are in store now as well! It’s a soft and comfy fabric with our logo in color. Sizes small to extra large are available for $20.

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New Arrivals!

Some great new teas are in stock, along with some “old friends” in our coffee offerings too!

We have three new teas, Brazilian Lemonade, Passionfruit & Peach, and Yangtze Green Maofeng, that are prefect for the summertime and these hot temps.

The Brazilian Lemonade has become an immediate favorite here at the shop! Lemonade in Brazil is typically made with fresh limes, so lime is the spotlight of this tea, with other fruit bits added to mellow and sweeten the blend. It’s got a wonderfully creamy body and will remind you of key lime pie. Caffeine free and delicious hot or iced!

The Passionfruit & Peach Fruit Tea is also naturally caffeine free and makes a great cup hot or iced. This straight fruit blend (no floral or herbal ingredients) is so refreshing and has a nice balance of juiciness and sweetness.

If you’d prefer something with caffeine try the Yangtze Green Maofeng. This green tea is light and sweet with notes of sweet peas, lemon, and honey. Using a lower brewing temperature (we recommend 160oF to 170oF) will bring out the best flavor from a green tea and help avoid bitterness and astringency.

Now to the “old friends”, we are very pleased to have both Honduras Liquidambar Honey and Costa Rica Dota Peaberry back on our offerings list!

Yet again, our Honduras sample from Finca Liquidambar was just delicious! We have bought from this farm the last few seasons and owner/operator Roberto Rene Gonzalez does an impeccable job with quality and consistency of his coffee. This years crop is focused and balanced, has a creamy medium body, and flavor notes of chocolate, cocoa, caramel, cherry, and apple, Certified Organic and Certified Fair Trade.

We were very pleased with the Costa Rica Dota Peaberry from CoopeDota as well. Although the co-op has grown to having hundreds of producer-members, quality coffee and commitment to the environment are always top goals, along with farming and social programs to better the lives of all producers in the group. This year’s crop is sweet and lush, with a nice chocolate aroma, smooth, medium body, nuances of milk and dark chocolate as well as hints of tart plum and lemon candy.

Such good drinks to be had so try something new or get back to an old favorite!

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All About Blends

In April we introduced a new blend, the Love Your Library Blend (very delicious!) so it seems like a great time to highlight our other blends.

Our Single Origin coffees each have a set of flavor characteristics unique to their own country or regions. Creating blends brings those individual flavors together to make a new, and sometimes unexpected, flavor profiles. Some of our blends are more traditional and some we’ve created with certain people,places, or brewing methods in mind.

With more traditional types of blends, you’ll see many roasters and coffee brands with a Breakfast Blend or House Blend but that doesn’t mean you’ll find the same flavors from them. For our Breakfast Blend we mix medium and dark roasted coffees for a rich yet smooth, full bodied brew, whereas others Breakfast Blends may be created to be more soft and easy drinking. House blends vary greatly as most are created to give a shining example of the specific roaster or brand. Our Kaffeeklatsch House Blend was created long ago to be a crowd-pleasing introduction to specialty coffees, back when The Kaffeeklatsch was just about the only “coffee scene” in Huntsville. A blend of 4 different Central and South American coffees, our blend offers an easy drinking cup with interesting flavors, good body and balance.

Likely the first coffee blend ever created was Mocha Java. Don’t confuse this traditional blend with a mocha drink or chocolate flavoring. This blend goes back to the very first coffee growing regions, Yemen and Java, when they were about the only places coffee was grown. Yemen’s port city Mokha (Mocha) was a busy spot, with lots of travelers coming through from Java Island in the Indonesian Archipelago. It just made sense to someone to blend the exquisite coffees from the two areas. For our Mocha Java Blend, we use Yemen and Sumatra Mandheling, another Indonesian coffee, for this distinct blend with striking flavors. Very unique and complex!

Some of our most popular blends came to being through customer needs (and sometimes our own personal wants). The Brazil & French Roast Blend started as a suggestion for customers looking for a bold, yet sweet espresso blend with a nice crema. We found it was just as tasty using other brewing styles as well so we kept suggesting it, patrons kept asking for more, so on the menu it went!

The Cacao Blend was created by a former employee (thanks Aidan!). He wanted a super chocolately nuanced blend to use for making cold brew (fantastic hot brewed too). The crew all enjoyed the blend, and suggested it occasionally to customers. Everyone who tried it wanted more, so Aidan’s chocolate blend became Cacao Blend.

We put equal care in to creating blends as we do roasting our beans. So if you’ve never tried any of our blends, explore all of them under ‘Special Blendson the ‘Coffee’ drop-down menu. Maybe you’ll find a new favorite. Also look out for some additional blends, created for our friends at WLRH (Huntsville Public Radio 89.3 FM), that will be added soon!

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April Notes

We have created a new Special Blend, the Love Your Library Blend, that is now available for purchase. April is Love Your Library Month for our local Huntsville-Madison County Public Library System so we made this blend to help celebrate the month and show our love for HMCPL. Besides giving our love, we are also using this as an opportunity to raise a donation. For the whole month, part of the proceeds of every pound sold will go directly to HMCPL for use in our local community. On top of helping the community, the blend itself is delicious too! A nice mix of coffees from Ethiopia Harrar, and Peru with a little bit of French Roast. So whether you’re local or not, this is a great new offering to try (and it will be staying after April!)

April’s coffee of the month is our New Guinea Siane Chimbu, available for $17.95 per pound. This coffee is rich and heavy bodied with prominent dark chocolate notes, very tasty! It’s also Certified Organic.

We received a truckload of coffee last week with some old favorites you might have been missing. For our decaf drinkers, the Decaffeinated Ethiopian is back in stock also bringing back our Decaffeinated German Blend as well as the Decaffeinated Mocha Java.

For the caffeinated drinkers, we have the Timor-Leste Ermera Eratoi back in stock and also a new crop from Peru Cajamarca Santa Maria, and Ethiopia Guji.

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Back In Stock!

We are very pleased to have both Celebes Kalossi-Sulawesi* and Jamaica Blue Mountain back in stock at the store!

We had a bit of a wait on the Sulawesi but it was well worth it. This Sulawesi is a little different than the coffees we generally carry from that area as it is a naturally processed crop. So expect a touch of brightness in the cup along with the expected boldness, but don’t worry, it’s delicious! We’ll feature this Sulawesi as Coffee of the Month in March.

Jamaica Blue Mountain is back again from the Clydesdale Estate. As pleasing as ever, smooth, soft, sweet, and just so easy to drink! If you’ve been pining for Hawaii Kona give this Jamaica a try as it has a similar flavor profile.

Having this coffees back in stock also brings back our Coffee Lover’s Blend and Deluxe Coffee Sampler.

The name Celebes was originally given to the country by Portuguese explorers. Sulawesi came in to common use following Indonesian Independence from the Dutch/Netherlands in 1945 and is now the proper country name. Kalossi is a specific village in the main growing region of Sulawesi.