


Our Peru APROCASSI is sourced from family owned farms of the Asociación Provincial de Cafetaleros Solidarios San Ignacio (APROCASSI) from the San Ignacio provence, Cajamarca region of Peru. The APPROCASSI cooperative was established in 1999. The group was started to bring more specialty coffee out of the Cajamarca and Jaén regions of Peru. Now APROCASSI has over 600 members with 41 base committees throughout the Cajamarca and Jaén regions.

APROCASSI aims to increase farmer earnings through various types of training, financing, and social projects. Programs include agricultural and infrastructure projects such as building of roads and warehouses, help in all steps of preparation of the coffee starting from seed selection, to quality control post-harvest and organic certifications. Ecological and social programs include the Aproreyna Project– helping families of the cooperative start bee keeping, Green Sanctuary Project– helping with eco-conscious farm practices as well as reforestation, Management Succession Program– providing education and training about the cooperative model and leadership skills, and the Family Star Project– providing training focused on gender equality and economic decision making in the home.

On average, farmers in the cooperative cultivate 7 hectares (a little over 17 acres) of land with coffee and other crops. This area is in the Andes Mountain range with coffees growing at 1,250 to 1,800 meters above sea level in a volcanic loam soil. Coffees are processed fully washed. Producers are through in their harvesting practices and process on site with their own micro-mills. APROCASSI takes over at the export stage with the same amount of meticulous care. This crop is Certified Organic.

Pleasing sweet aroma with hints of milk chocolate, pastry, and caramel. Velvety medium body with a soft richness. Nuances of milk chocolate, pastry, and caramel all come through, with soft hints of blackberry and orange. Just lovely!
